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Release Notes V3.20.0

Release date: 30/01/2025

  • General updates, fixes and improvements;
  • Security – Risks and mitigations can now be stored as template by using the three dots on the right followed by selecting “Store as template”. You can use the template afterwards by pressing the create button. Here you will find your template;
  • Improvements to review related notifications (Information on item to be reviewed and Requestor of the review);
  • On the Processed data lifecycle, some fields have been (re-)introduced related to Disclosure and where the data is disclosed;
  • “Processes” is available as new sub-module under Operations >> Governance;
    • It will allow you to define processes and link to other components of RESPONSUM (Processing activities, IM systems, Owner…)
  • Learning – Reminders for users to complete their trainings can now be sent in bulk from the overview page of “Training”;
  • Excel import – The importer could become slow or crash the page when adding and linking to a lot of related sub-modules within an import. The excel importer is now more performant with relation creation;
  • An issue was fixed where “Calculated fields” (Ex. Progress bar, Review status, Risk score…) were inconsistently loaded and shown;
  • Phishing campaigns are still in Beta phase but have received improvements:
    • Results of phishing attempts are correctly shown on the overview
    • Templates for campaigns are generated more consistently
  • On fields, you now have the option to manually “Hide” sections and sub-sections individually;
  • Translations altered specific to your environment (Settings >> Customization >> Translations) are now only shown in this window to give a better indication of what was altered and what is provided by RESPONSUM.

Feel free to explore this new version of RESPONSUM and let us know your thoughts and suggestions as we work together to make it even better!

If you have any questions related to this release or want additional info on some new features, feel free to reach out to support@responsum.eu. We will be happy to provide you more info! 🙂


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