Managing users and permissions

RESPONSUM allows you to have fine-grained control over access rights to content within the app. We do this by providing 3 license types with various levels of access and the ability to specify multiple permission sets per user.

See it in action

Pre-requisites to get started

  • Permissions on the “Users” sub-module as accountable promoted user or Power User
  • An open amount of licenses for users within RESPONSUM

Fast-track to Brilliance

  • Select the “Settings” menu in the main menu bar (Gear icon next to your avatar top right)
  • Hover over the sub-section “Users”
  • Select “Users”
  • Add a new user by pressing the “Create” button or Edit an existing user account
  • In the “General details” section you can first add some details related to the user (First name, Last name, Function, Phone number…)
  • In the “Authentication” section you can set some authentication preferences to mark the account as active or not and enable the enforcement of 2FA for login.
  • In the same section you will be able to select the user license:
    • Power user: Full access to all for the environment active sub-modules
      • No additional action required, your user is all set
    • Promoted user: License with fine grained control over granted permissions to sub-modules and filtering of items shown within Sub-module based on organizational units.
      • Define in the section below one or more permission entries to grant specific access to sub-modules.
    • Guest user: User with email validation based login only to assign E-learnings to and share specific items with.
      • You can add specific items for access in the section below or use the share buttons on items throughout RESPONSUM to share specific access.
  • Press save on the top right
  • The user will now receive an email from RESPONSUM to gain access.

Step-by-step guidance

Power user

  • Select the “Settings” menu in the main menu bar (Gear icon next to your avatar top right)
  • Hover over the sub-section “Users”
  • Select “Users”
  • Add a new user by pressing the “Create” button or Edit an existing user account
  • In the “General details” section you can first add some details related to the user (First name, Last name, Function, Phone number…)
  • In the “Authentication” section you can set some authentication preferences to mark the account as active or not and enable the enforcement of 2FA for login.
  • In the same section you will be able to select the user license, select Power user
  • This user type will grant access to All sub-modules (Active for your environment) and All items within these sub-modules
  • Press save on the top right
  • The user will now receive an email from RESPONSUM to gain access.
  • No additional action required, your user is all set
  • Select the “Settings” menu in the main menu bar (Gear icon next to your avatar top right)
  • Hover over the sub-section “Users”
  • Select “Users”
  • Add a new user by pressing the “Create” button or Edit an existing user account
  • In the “General details” section you can first add some details related to the user (First name, Last name, Function, Phone number…)
  • In the “Authentication” section you can set some authentication preferences to mark the account as active or not and enable the enforcement of 2FA for login.
  • In the same section you will be able to select the user license, select Promoted user
  • Promoted user is a license with fine grained control over granted permissions to sub-modules and filtering of items shown within Sub-module based on
  • You will see a new “Permissions” section appear below
  • Press “Add item” in the table shown
  • Notice that a new permission entry is created where you can select:
    • Sub-modules to grant access to, select modules or individual sub-modules below and press “Save”
    • Select organizational units you want to show that user items for. Only for the organizational units selected, items linked to those organizational units will be available to the user.
    • Select the permission (level):
      • Reader: Can only view the items they have access to
      • Collaborator: On top of view rights, this user can also use comments and @mention functionality to communicate to other users within RESPONSUM about the items they have access to.
      • Editor: On top of being able to collaborate, this user can also edit items and freeze versions of items for review by other users.
      • Accountable: Next to being able to collaborate and edit, this user can also “Review” items within RESPONSUM.
  • Press save on the top right
  • The user will now receive an email from RESPONSUM to gain access.

Guest user

  • Select the “Settings” menu in the main menu bar (Gear icon next to your avatar top right)
  • Hover over the sub-section “Users”
  • Select “Users”
  • Add a new user by pressing the “Create” button or Edit an existing user account
  • In the “General details” section you can first add some details related to the user (First name, Last name, Function, Phone number…)
  • In the “Authentication” section you can set some authentication preferences to mark the account as active or not and enable the enforcement of 2FA for login.
  • In the same section you will be able to select the user license, select Guest user:
  • Lowest entry license user with email validation based login only to assign E-learnings to and share specific items with.
  • You will see a new “Permissions” – “Specific item access” section appear below
  • Press “Add item” in the table shown
  • Notice that a new pop-up opens where you can select:
    • A specific item (Model) within RESPONSUM. This dropdown contains all items within RESPONSUM and has a search functionality. You can select one item per permission entry.
    • Select the permission (level):
      • Reader: Can only view the items they have access to
      • Collaborator: On top of view rights, this user can also use comments and @mention functionality to communicate to other users within RESPONSUM about the items they have access to.
      • Editor: On top of being able to collaborate, this user can also edit items and freeze versions of items for review by other users.
      • Accountable: Next to being able to collaborate and edit, this user can also “Review” items within RESPONSUM.
  • Press save on the top right
  • The user will now receive an email from RESPONSUM to gain access.

If you have any questions related this guide or way of working, please reach out to for assistance.

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